26 March 2016

Hit the ground running


Running is an activity and sometimes sport we are all familiar with and running injuries are all too common amongst those of all abilities; and it is precisely this which we at Brightonfit try to address.

The reason for this is already known: technique, or the lack of…running itself won’t injure you, but the way you run can.

Looking closer it’s all too easy to see why, when the classic running ethos is backward. When a regular person decides to start running, their approach will often be; get the miles in, build these up steadily, maybe do some shorter distance runs and then worry about technique later down the line – which again, often never happens.

The approach we instill in our clients turns the previous approach on its head. Firstly we look at ‘skills & drills’ of running technique, followed by shorter distance and even sprint work as intervals, then finally adding stamina runs for distance or tempo runs on a timed basis, based on ability to keep a pace.

Perhaps look at the reason like this; if you took up weightlifting, I am sure any reasonable person would want to master the technique prior to lifting the heavier weights, to prevent injury. However when looking at a far more accessible activity such as running, the temptation to by-pass this crucial first step is almost standard.

Brighton is a very active city, we even have our own marathon! I personally love the fact there are always runners everywhere you look, I’m often one of them. We at Brightonfit and are here to help. We are passionate about the same sports as you and strive to impart our knowledge and experience to help build on your current ability, be that beginner to expert.

Book through us or for more specialist packages and barefoot techniques see our dedicated running school site here


9 March 2016

Tips for getting ahead

tips for getting ahead


Everyone wants a shortcut, but more often than not the only way is the long way. Luckily for you you have a shortcut.

Okay I’ll level with you, this does take work on your half; In fact the same amount of work you’re always giving and I’m always seeing from all my clients.

The shortcut lies in making the most of what’s on offer to you. Think of it like this; you’ve got the baseline of fitness and the decent food plan you stick to…what’s left? The extras that’s what’s left; the almost minor points which 9/10 get ignored.

Let me give you some examples:

  1. Using coconut oil for cooking, not olive oil
  2. 3L Water p/day
  3. Rotating types of protein
  4. Having a protein shake post workout with protein and carbohydrate
  5. Within 90mins post-workout having a protein/carbohydrate/fat meal
  6. If eating fruit post-workout, then eating within 60mins

If you’re seeing this as a long route to healthier living, then you’re thinking about it the wrong way.

You’re here *gestures hand at chest height* and if you implement some comparatively small changes then you’ll be here *dramatically gestures hand over all heads*

Let’s look at some more prosaic examples; when was the last time you went to bed early, not because you were tired but in readiness for you next session?

Treat everyday like pre-race day (minus the carb loading…) knowledge is power and we at Brightonfit are here to give you just that.
