Two Week Taster package

Not sure where to start? Not sure what you like? Or what will stick for you in a new or changed routine? Want to give someone the gift of health and fitness? This is a great package for you; short and sweet but packed with a variety of different training styles, classes and PT's to showcase what we offer and give you an opportunity to try before you commit your self to a longer course of training

All For £149

Here is what is included in each week:

1 x Personal training session Strength + Condition

A 60 minute personal training sessions tailored to your abilities designed to introduce (or further your experience with) free weights. Although session content will vary from individual to individual you will probably touch on some basic lifting techniques and tricks to get the most from a strength building program, including some compound lifts (ones that use multiple large muscle groups) and perhaps some olympic lifts. These types of programs are great for people looking to loose weight, tone up, enhance an endurance program, prevent injury and for those returning from injury.

1 x Personal training session Functional training

A 60 minute personal training sessions tailored to your abilities including exercises focusing on body weight movements, flexibility, mobility and coordination. If you sit at a desk all day chances are your postural muscles (including your core muscles) could do with some attention, If you perform repetitive movements all day you may be finding that aches and pains have manifested from your body's compensatory mechanism. If you are new to exercise and like the idea of body balance or are recovering from an injury and for everyone in between, these sessions are priceless. The focus here is on re-alignment and strengthening the body in order that it can perform/function the way it is supposed to.

1 x Group Personal Training session HIIT style

A 30 minute group training session tailored to your abilities. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training and is an exercise performed for a short time (often a number of seconds for example 20 or 30), usually performed at your maximum effort. Followed by a period of rest, also measured in seconds for example 20 or 15, and then repeated a few times before a new exercise is introduced. These sessions combine body weight and weighted exercises and incorporate strength, cardiovascular and plyometric training (explosive) styles. They are fun, friendly, fast and very effective!

1 x Group Personal Training session Bootcamp session

These 45 minute outdoor bootcamp group sessions are tailored to your abilities. Fear not, our Brightonfit bootcamp instructor is not a military man! He gets results none the less. They are aimed to introduce you to a creative and portable style of training. For example, if you are on holiday without gym access, or at someones house with 45mins to spare and fancy a workout, what you learn here could be invaluable. Using physical obstacles, objects and your outdoor environment prepare to be surprised at how much you can do! Get back to nature and exercise outside with a fun and friendly bunch of motivated people.