23 March 2018

Brightonfit personal trainer workouts

Ever wondered what kind of workouts we do? Well the answer is we do all of the workouts we ask you to do! Otherwise how would we know what to ask of you and where the difficult sections were and how to coach you through and design a balanced program?

This Brighton personal training session is designed for intermediates. It should take you about 45mins and some of the exercises use a weight (ball, kettlebell or dumbell), you should be able to perform this at home, in a park or your gym.

The session is split into 3 x 15 minute sections. Each section contains 5 exercises. You should aim to complete each exercise 10 times each side (ie split jacks) or 20 time if using both sides of your body together (ie a box jump). You must not rest between exercises and when you get to the end of the first 5 you rest for up to 60 seconds before repeating 4 more times. That will be the end of the first section and you may rest for up to 3 minutes before repeating the same format for the second and third section.

This is a fast paced session, each exercise must be performed with the focus on form, power and speed with the goal of keeping your heart rate as high as you can for as long as you can whilst maintaining form.

The explosive exercises (tucks, jacks, jumps, squats and thrusts) are very important to make sure you are really jumping/pushing hard and fast in combination. These are the plyometric sections of the workout and improve the power capacity of your muscles in a slightly different way to some of the pure strength based ones.

This workout can be repeated as often as you like. Remember not to train on sore muscles. You will develop lean muscle and burn excess fat very effectively training like this, but remember even as personal trainers doing these sessions we don’t rely on just one type of training and we mix these sessions up with running in Brighton and Hove, pure strength training and training specifically for the sports we play and recommend that you do the same. Watch this blog for more training sessions.

Click on the photo below for a link to a bigger image you can print out if you like.

Let us know how it goes….any questions, get in touch.

brightonfit personal trainer workout

25 July 2017

Gym etiquette part 2

how to use a gym

Further to my last post I have included some further unwritten rules of the gym!

‘Mirrors’ – why are they there and how to not use them? The answer is pretty simple; people like to watch their form. Its easy when someone is telling you to tuck your elbows in or keep your back flat but most people don’t have the luxury of a personal trainer with them for each session and need to keep an eye on their form. Therefore whilst they are moving a very heavy weight if you were to block their line of sight by walking in front of them to collect your weights from a rack or have a chat or perform your own lift or even stand behind them distractingly so they can see you in the mirror – then this is understandably considered VERY inconsiderate.

‘Giving and receiving advice’ – A very common occurrence in gyms is for a so called experienced lifter to try to give advice to what may appear to be a less experienced lifter. In reality what this means is a bigger guy telling a smaller guy how to train. Or a man telling a woman. Because the currency in gyms is muscle size, those who are ‘rich’ feel the need to inform the ‘less well off’ how they got to their impressive size without even being asked for advice. If this happens to you my suggestion is to respectfully nod and shut the chat down and carry on with what you were doing. On the other hand if you are being given a piece of safety advice (or giving safety advice) for example – you are going to snap if you keep bending your back like that when you deadlift etc.. then you would be wise to listen. It is up to you to decide whether the advice is real or ‘bro science’

‘Dropping weights’ – why would you do this if not to alert attention to yourself or because the weight is too heavy for you to perform your last rep eccentrically do place the weight on the floor? Its pretty simple; unless the weight you are lifting is comprised of Olympic plates (aka bumper plates) then DON’T drop them! Bumper plates have a special rubber coating and are used in Olympic lifting; they do get dropped at the end of some of these types of lists to enable the lifter to get out of the danger zone quickly after a lift. If you are not doing this with this kit and dropping weights then you are doing it wrong, damaging, kit, and the gym floor as well as looking like a complete idiot.

‘Its too heavy for you’ – the last point today is less of an etiquette and more a reminder: you will develop more lean muscle if you overload your muscle fibres using the muscle groups the exercise is designed for compared to a bit of gravity, a bounce and/or jump. What do I mean? Unload the bar, move the pin down the stack, take a lighter set of dumbbells and perform the lift with perfect technique for your prescribed number of repetitions….then and only then move up to the next weight.

17 July 2017

Gym etiquette – part 1

weight lifting in gym etiquette

If you are new to the gym environment this post is probably worth a quick read. If you go regularly to the gym there are about 50% of you who need to read this too!

  1. The most reported gym etiquette fail by gym owners and staff is that of the ‘Untidy lifter’ – the one who does not place all the weights back onto the racks and stands after he/she finishes with them. Don’t be this person, its rude, thoughtless to staff and other gym users and can be enough to deter others from using a machine if you are a strong person, as less strong gym members can sometimes have a workout unloading a machine you left fully stacked with 20kg discs!
  1. ‘Working in’ – my personal hatred and the most misunderstood rule of gym etiquette. It came about because gyms usually have very busy periods between 6-8pm where they cannot commercially justify fitting enough gym equipment to service all members. To avoid dead time in a session weight lifters decided on an approach where you ask the person using the machine if you can work in with them. This means that during their rest you lift and vice versa. Hypothetically this works well in a ‘lifting’ focused gym with 2 people lifting a similar weight, training at about the same pace, performing simple sets (i.e. – a lift followed by a rest period then a lift and a rest etc…). In reality you often see young hench guys butting into smaller guys or gals sets in a ‘health club’ type gym. They need to change the weight every time they want to lift, getting in the way of the flow of the less strong person and eventually pushing the less strong person away through embarrassment or because that person cant be bothered with all the fiddling about and has lost their focus.

There really isn’t any excuse for this, the gym is a place for everyone and this working in approach needs to be handled with an etiquette, here’s how to do it right: The first thing to ascertain is: ‘is there anything else I can do that will replicate that lift instead?’ if the answer is no and you absolutely need that piece of kit ask yourself this ‘ how is the person on it currently using it?’ if the answer is as a simple set and in-between they are staring into space or poking their phone then things are looking good, but if they are super setting or timing themselves or using the kit for a different exercise in a rest period or any number of other types of protocols that involve precise timing they need to get back onto that piece of kit then respect that and WAIT.

Next, check what weight they are lifting, if the weight is very different to yours then WAIT but if you think you could work in without too much faffing changing weights, or none at all then maybe it could work.

So if at this stage all is looking good the next move would be to stay away from them until they have a rest, do not float around close to them staring at them (see next point), simply ask them if they would mind if you worked in. Allow them the opportunity to refuse you.

And then work in quietly without disturbing their flow, make eye contact, perhaps smile or say ‘yours’ every time you put the bar down so they know you are finished.

  1. ‘Waiting’ – for kit is an art. Obviously if there are a few people who need the kit after the current user is finished, you will need to use it in the order you came to wait…..like a very British queue system! But you need to achieve this without putting off the person who is using it, so you must NOT circle him/her, hang around in the corner of their peripheral vision staring at them, or stand next to them or in front or behind them! You must wait (or better still find another exercise to do to fill the gap) patiently without making the user feel intimidated or like they must rush and without breaking their focus. If needed you can even say to the others who might be waiting to use it; “I am waiting for this piece of kit next”

I could write a lot more here, but I will keep this post short (ish) and continue in a second post…

4 September 2013

Will lifting heavy weights (as a woman) will make me too muscular? I just want to tone up.

Dont worry, the weights you will be lifting probably wont make you TOO muscular unless you are lifting them every day for years and years. We may ask you to include them in your training as part of a metabolic conditioning program to increase the rate at which you burn FAT as well as:

  • Increased bone density
  • Increased lean muscle mass
  • Injury prevention
  • Enhanced performance in activity generally
  • Lowers your risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease
  • Boosts confidence
  • Improves balance
  • Fights depression

Take a look at these 3 photos:

Weight lifting for women


Model  1 will live at the gym, be taking some kind form of steroid drug, will eat huge amounts of food daily and consume various supplements. She will endure enormous mood swings, possess a rare set of genetics and probably exhibit some typically male traits ranging from a large adams apple and excessive hair growth through to an out of control libido. She will be a competitive bodybuilder training on a periodised program and have spent years and years sculpting the physique you see today. You will not wake up one day having done some strength work and look anything like this! 

Model  2 Won’t be on steroids, yet will also have to be military with her training and nutrition. She will also be on a periodised training program and will have also had to make huge sacrifices in her life to gain the amount of muscle she has whilst stripping her frame of fat. Women have only 10% of the testosterone (muscle building hormone) that men do, and so to even build this physique would have taken years of dedication and understanding of her body’s metabolism, adaptation rate, water holding fluxuations not to mention monumental mental strength. You will not wake up one day having done some strength work and look anything like this!

Model 3 Depicts most of the rest of us. It is very difficult to build a well muscled physique. Men have much more testosterone than women and often still find it difficult to build a well muscled physique. Ask yourself this: How many of your male friends want to bulk up and pack on some muscle? The answer would be higher than you may imagine. In summary, you don’t need to worry about bulking up through strength training, in order to do this you would have to embark on a hardcore program of muscle gain, revamping your entire nutritional vocabulary, and employ a set of lifestyle rules so strict a sergeant major would whimper!
